All of Christ, for all of life, for all of Rotorua

Redwood Reformation Church is a new plant, working to turn Rotorua back to obedience to the God of nations.

We meet every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in St. Chad’s Church building, 2 Devon Street, Rotorua.

Our beliefs

  • We believe that the Bible is the only infallible rule of faith, and sufficient to teach us God’s ways in all things.

  • We believe the ecumenical creeds: the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Definition of Chalcedon.

  • We believe that the Westminster Confession of Faith (1647) is a generally accurate summary of biblical doctrine and practice.

  • We believe in the universality of Christ’s church, and cooperative unity with brothers who differ from us in ways that do not pollute the gospel.

About our name

  • Redwood: because Rotorua is known for its redwoods, which are in turn fitting symbols of the kingdom of God. They can grow for thousands of years, resisting both fire and storm, to eventually become greater than all the other trees.

  • Reformation: because we stand self-consciously in the tradition of the 16th century Reformers. Just as the institutional church of their day had become weak and corrupt, so has ours. Just as they had to labor to restore the purity of the faith, so do we. And just as they emphasized the comprehensive rulership of Jesus over their nations, so we emphasize his total sovereignty as Lord of New Zealand.

  • Church: because this is the traditional and most readily understood word for the called-out gathering of God’s people. In the New Testament, the original Greek word implies the assembling of God’s people together: church can just as accurately be translated as assembly or congregation.

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Teaching & instruction from Redwood Reformation Church, Rotorua NZ.


On earth as it is in heaven—working to embody Christ’s reign by finding the spiritual patterns expressed in physical things. Author of The Spine of Scripture, co-author of It’s Good To Be A Man. In the habit of goring with a sharp two-edged sword.
I'm a forestry contractor from Rotorua New Zealand. I've been married to Melissa for 11 years and we have 4 children.